State Authorization and Licensure

Program Disclosures and Licensure Requirements

Some professions require you to meet specific requirements before you can receive a professional license. It is important that you understand whether your program fulfills the educational requirements in the state where you are located or plan to work.


All Turtle Mountain Community College programs fulfill the requirements for licensure in the state of North Dakota.  


If you are seeking a professional license in a state other than North Dakota, we encourage you to do a couple of things. First, consult your advisor to determine your best course of action. Education majors should consult the Teacher Education Department. Some licensure requirements may not vary greatly, so you may only need a few additional or different courses. Visiting with your advisor or Teacher Education Department Director will help you find the most efficient path to reach your career goals.


Second, consult the webpages of licensing bodies in the state or territory where you plan to work. Those licensing bodies have the most up-to-date information about licensure requirements in their state.

Program Licensure Requirements

For the following programs, we have made the determination that our program meets the educational requirements for licensure in North Dakota. If you have additional questions about licensure requirements, please contact your advisor. For all other states, We have not made the determination if our program meets the educational requirements for licensure in this state. This does not mean that our program does not meet the requirements; we simply do not know at this time. We strongly encourage you to visit with your advisor to discuss any questions you might have about licensure in this or other states.


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(701) 394-4168 ext. 2058
